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Coping with Cancer
Who Can This Treatment Help?
- Behavioral Medicine/Health Psychology treatment can be helpful to those with cancer or to loved ones of those with cancer.
- Often, the person with cancer will be the focus of treatment. Family members can attend sessions at the request of the patient to work on specific goals with the assistance of the psychologist to facilitate the discussion.
- The loved one of someone with cancer may also choose to seek treatment to help with their own coping.
When Can This Treatment Help?
- When adjusting to the cancer diagnosis and making decisions about treatment and coping with treatment
- During active cancer treatment when you may need tools for coping with side effects of treatment, pain, and limitations to activity
- During the transition from active cancer treatment to survivorship when adjusting to a “new normal” and coping with ongoing testing and fear of recurrence
- During the transition from active cancer treatment to comfort care and the end of life journey
- When you are coping with the loss of a loved one to cancer
How Can This Treatment Help?
- A listening ear from a psychologist specializing in behavioral medicine who has understanding of the cancer experience and expertise in helping patients cope with cancer
- Support for maintaining hope and taking an active role in decisions about your life and your care at each stage of the journey
- Learn skills for coping with symptoms of cancer and side effects of treatment, such as pain, nausea, fatigue, sleep difficulty, “chemo-brain,” and physical limitations
- Gain tools for coping with the stress, anxiety, fears, and discouragement that often come with having cancer
- Gain skills for effective communication with loved ones and medical providers about your needs, preferences, and difficulties
- Evaluation for and treatment of clinical depression or anxiety, along with recommendations to your oncologist or primary care provider about psychotropic medication (if needed)
Please call the Health Psych Maine office at 207-872-5800 if you would like more information or to schedule an appointment.